mardi 16 février 2010

Where are he ? Part. 1

She was sitting against the wall, head on knees. She just woke up.

This soil, this ceiling, this bed, this room she thought knewing better than anyone seemed strange in the autumn morning.

The few rays that came to pierce the heavy gray clouds gave the city a dull complexion, faded and used.
A more realistic remake of Avalon. Right hand-soil-something. What... Usb key.

Grabing-up-5 steps-computer-insertion.
A single file: TFW - February 2010. Wonderment-frowning-Sound up-"Play".

From the first track, without any intention, her ears quivered and her shoulders even began to get with the beat.

To be continued...

What about a movie ?

This is the story about three little pigs blewing hard on a wolf's house.

Two scouts, three friends, stopping the university to dedicate themselves to their melodious passion. Two Door Cinema Club are Irish, but in an efficient way. Alex, Kev' & Sam once met a trendy fox, then they find themselves taking off.

Two Door Cinema Club - Undercover Martyn ++

Two Door Cinema Club - What You Know +++


Another goodie:


mardi 2 février 2010

Top 5 du Week-End

Le titre ayant également fonction d'introduction, de développement et de conclusion, laissons place aux clics.

Paix Pit

Passion Pit c'est ça:

Mais c'est aussi ça:

Passion Pit - Little Secrets ++

Passion Pit - Little Secrets (Felix Da Housecat Remix) ++


PS: Je sais ENFIN comment poster ces foutues vidéos sur le bloggy blog. Attention aux yeux donc.

Dame una guitarra acústica, el sol y una copa por fi.

Peut-être que tu as besoin de soleil, peut-être que tu aimes le son d'une guitare au petit matin, peut-être t'appelles-tu Rodrigue ou Gabrielle, peut-être même que ton oreille te crie d'aller voir ce qui se passe en dessous.

Dedicated to my man Kv, bueno entre los buenos.