samedi 9 avril 2011

About pandas and jewelries

Cut/Copy - Paste. Again. More please. Show your love to pandas here.

Sweet, soft, efficient. Pretty much like a Nespresso.

jeudi 7 avril 2011

Dave1 et associes, un joyeux bordel

I posted earlier the new Chromeo. If this electrofunk band is new for you, go check their blog!

Guys, "Hot Mess" has been remixed:

Uh yeah.

lundi 4 avril 2011

Dancin Fever

Photo Credits:

Well, the main purpose of this blog was to make you stand up and dance. I guess this material serves it well:

More stuff to come. If you are here now, you know what I am talking about.


Let's continue chillin' around here.

dimanche 3 avril 2011

jeudi 17 février 2011

When froggies are kickin' hard.

WDF!? If there is no major behind this, 75emeSession, 1995 - pronounce: "unn-dooblanuf-sunk"- & 5majeur are a big part of the french rap "relève" I was waiting for (My personnal favorite being "Nekfeu").

Monsta prod & flawless flow. Check these outtt!!!