mardi 2 février 2010

Top 5 du Week-End

Le titre ayant également fonction d'introduction, de développement et de conclusion, laissons place aux clics.

3 commentaires:

David a dit…

A fan from Denmark,

Don't ever stop what you do,
the music you pick is so inspiring and diverse. I'm sorry my french isn't that fluid, I'll do my best -merci beaucoup!!

You deserve more comments, alas, you deserve more praise!


The frenchy way a dit…

Waw! Det er fantastisk at vide, at jeg har fans i Danmark!
David mange tak for din støtte.
Glad for at vide, at den blog, du vil.
Der er ikke tale om at stoppe endnu.
Tøv ikke med at sende mig de sange, du virkelig gerne.

Anyway, is the Google translator efficient ? ;)

See you around !

David a dit…

Salut, lol le translatéur est trés bien (I'm "freestyling")

I can recommend,

Pony Pony Run Run - Hey You (Jaffinson Remix)

That is, if you don't already have it ,

Keeep up the good work!
